Martin Kausche

Update gitea on uberspace

14 May 2018 - update: 16 Jun 2019

Just the necessary step for updating gitea on uberspace 6. Setup-guides (in german) can be found here or here.

  1. create a backup, just in caseā€¦
    ~/bin/gitea % ./gitea dump
  2. download the latest gitea binary from
    ~/bin/gitea % wget ""

    Test the binary by calling % ./gitea-1.4.1-linux-amd64 --version
    Maybe you will get something like FATAL: kernel too old, then you may join this issue.

  3. stop the service
    ~/bin/gitea % svc -d ~/service/gitea
  4. rename the old binary, rename the new binary, set executable flag (file permissions should already be ok)
    ~/bin/gitea % mv gitea gitea.old
    ~/bin/gitea % mv gitea-1.4.1-linux-amd64 gitea
    ~/bin/gitea % chmod +x gitea
  5. start the service
    ~/bin/gitea % svc -u ~/service/gitea
  6. test if everything works as expected, then remove the old binary and the dump

Tags:  git uberspace