Martin Kausche

Android Emulator - No Internet Connection

26 Feb 2018

Now that we are all gently forced to use Android Studio to manage the Android SDKs and Emulators we can happily click our stuff together, until something isn’t working.

My newly created Android Emulator had connected to the default WiFi (AndroidWifi), but had no Internet connection.
And the Android Virtual Device Manager clickGUI couldn’t help me, even the Advanced Settings only offered which Camera the emulated device shall use o.O

After some searching the most likely problem seems to be, that the wrong network device had been allocated to the emulator and therefore a wrong DNS server is used - but I was not able to find out how to change this from within the nice GUI.

Time for the console:

~ % emulator -list-avds
~ % emulator -avd Nexus_5X_API_25 -dns-server
~ % where emulator

Tags:  Android