Martin Kausche

Encrypted backups with rsnapshot and GPG

18 Feb 2018

Currently I am using a backup strategy based on rsnapshot and GPG on macOS as well as on Debian.

Setup ..

.. on macOS

rsnapshot can be installed using Homebrew, we also need coreutils to get GNU options for some programs, mainly cp.

~ % brew update
~ % brew install coreutils rsnapshot

.. on Debian

rsnapshot can be installed using your preferred package manager

~ % apt-get install rsnapshot


rsnapshot is configured by a config-file, typically called rsnapshot.conf. Here is mine:

# rsnapshot.conf - rsnapshot configuration file #
#                                               #
#                                               #
# This file requires tabs between elements      #
#                                               #
# Directories require a trailing slash:         #
#   right: /home/                               #
#   wrong: /home                                #
#                                               #
config_version		1.2

snapshot_root	/Users/martin/rsnapshot/

cmd_cp			/usr/local/bin/gcp
cmd_rm			/bin/rm
cmd_rsync		/usr/bin/rsync
cmd_ssh			/usr/bin/ssh
cmd_logger		/usr/bin/logger

retain			hourly	4
retain			daily	7
retain			weekly	4
retain			monthly	3

verbose			2
loglevel		3
logfile			/Users/martin/rsnapshot/rsnapshot.log
lockfile		/Users/martin/

# Backup local machine
backup			/Users/martin/Documents/		localhost/
backup			/Users/martin/scripts/			localhost/
backup			/Users/martin/Sites/			localhost/
backup			/Users/martin/projects/			localhost/

exclude			*/node_modules/
exclude			*Cache*
exclude			*cache*
exclude			*Lock*
exclude			*.tmp*
exclude			*.DS_Store*
exclude			*/platforms/
exclude			*/output/
exclude			*/output_web/
exclude			*/bolt/
exclude			*/_site/

For a full explanation of all configuration options, please see the rsnapshot docs.

For macOS please be sure to use the GNU version of cp installed with coreutils, this is ensured by cmd_cp /usr/local/bin/gcp.

The most important thing to consider is using tabs inside of rsnapshot.conf and end with a slash when backing up a directory!

As you can see my rsnapshot directory is /Users/martin/rsnapshot/, the rsnapshot.conf shown above is saved in this directory.

some of the excludes explained:

  • exclude */node_modules/ to exclude the node_modules directory in any npm project
  • exclude *Cache* etc. to exclude any cached or temp files
  • exclude */platforms/ to exclude the platforms directory of Cordova projects
  • exclude */output/ + */output_web/ to exclude the output directory of any Pelican project
  • exclude */bolt/ for Bolt projects
  • exclude */_site/ for Jekyll projects


To automatically create backups I use crontab, since it is available on all platforms.

~ % crontab -e

and add:

# RSnapshot
0 */6 * * *    /usr/local/bin/rsnapshot -c /Users/martin/rsnapshot/rsnapshot.conf hourly
30 13 * * *    /usr/local/bin/rsnapshot -c /Users/martin/rsnapshot/rsnapshot.conf daily
0  11 * * 1    /usr/local/bin/rsnapshot -c /Users/martin/rsnapshot/rsnapshot.conf weekly
30 12 1 * *    /usr/local/bin/rsnapshot -c /Users/martin/rsnapshot/rsnapshot.conf monthly

Be sure to define some times when your PC typically is on. Or use other tools such as anacron or launchd to schedule the backups.

After some time there should be some directories daily.0 to daily.4 and so on in your rsnapshot directory.


Only a distributed backup is a good backup, so lets encrypt our files so we can put them anywhere without being scared of thieves.

I use GPG with AES256 for encryption, if it is not already installed use the package manager of your choice to do so.

I got into the habit of creating a backup every week or so, encrypt it, and put it to some external hard drives. To automate the generation I build a little script (which can also be found here):

#! /usr/bin/env python

import subprocess
import os
import datetime
import platform

rsnapshotDir = "/Users/martin/rsnapshot/"
deleteTarWhenFinished = True
debug = False

def print_green(t):
	print('\033[92m' + t + '\033[0m')

def call(command):
	if debug:
		print command
	else:, shell=True)

def createBackup():
	print_green("\n### Creating new backup with rsnapshot \n")
	command = "rsnapshot -c " + rsnapshotDir + "rsnapshot.conf hourly"

def createAndEncryptTar():
	print_green("\n### Creating tar-file from latest backup \n")
	date ="%Y%m%d")
	os = platform.system()
	latest = "hourly.0"
	tarname = date + ".backup." + os + ".tar"
	command = 'tar pcf ' + tarname + ' ' + latest

	print_green("\n### Encrypt tar-file \n")
	command = "gpg -c --cipher-algo AES256 " + tarname

	if deleteTarWhenFinished:
		print_green("\n### Deleting tar-file \n")
		command = "rm " + tarname


At the end GPG asks for a password, be sure to use a good one that you can remember when shtf :).

Tags:  macOS Debian backups GPG rsync brew