Martin Kausche

Tags with Jekyll

28 Nov 2017 - update: 29 Nov 2017

How to use tags on your Jekyll blog (on GitHub-Pages) in three steps:

Add tags to your posts

Add tags to your posts liquid tags, the liquid tags of this post you are reading right now are:

layout: post
title: Tags with Jekyll
tags: Jekyll snippets

Extend your _layouts/post.html file

by something like this:

{% if page.tags.size > 0 %}
<span class="tags">
    {% for tag in page.tags %}
        {% capture tag_name %}{{ tag }}{% endcapture %}
        <a href="/tags/#{{ tag_name }}">
            {{ tag_name }}
        {% unless forloop.last %},&nbsp;{% endunless %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

This adds the tags listed in the liquid of each post and creates links to the tags-page.

Create a new tags.html page

layout: default
title: Tags
permalink: /tags/
{% for tag in site.tags %}
    {% capture tag_name %}{{ tag | first }}{% endcapture %}
    <a name="{{ tag_name }}"></a>
        {{ tag_name }}
    <ul class="postlist">
    {% for post in site.tags[tag_name] %}
            <a href="{{ post.url }}">
                {{ post.title }}
            <span class="date">
                {{ | date: "%d. %b %Y" }}
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

This creates an overview page of your tags, beginning with your oldest tags (the tags you used on your first posts). This can be reversed by changing {% for tag in site.tags %} to {% for tag in site.tags reversed %}.

Ordered tags

To order the tags on your tags-page by number of posts-per-tag, you can change your tags.html to:

layout: default
title: Tags
permalink: /tags/
{% assign tags_max = 0 %}
{% for tag in site.tags %}
    {% if tag[1].size > tags_max %}
        {% assign tags_max = tag[1].size %}
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

{% for i in (1..tags_max) reversed %}
    {% for tag in site.tags %}
        {% if tag[1].size == i %}
            {% capture tag_name %}{{ tag | first }}{% endcapture %}
            <a name="{{ tag_name }}"></a>
                {{ tag_name }}
            <ul class="postlist">
            {% for post in site.tags[tag_name] %}
                    <a href="{{ post.url }}">
                        {{ post.title }}
                    <span class="date">
                        {{ | date: "%d. %b %Y" }}
            {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

This snippet is inspired by this page.

worth knowing

To be able to post html and/or liquid snippets with Jekyll just enclose your whole code-block with {% raw %} and {% endraw %}.

If you want to show an {% endraw %} … you have to escape it :-)

Tags:  Jekyll snippets